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The Baraga County 97th District Court will join the Michigan mi-FILE e-filing program.
On Monday the 97th district court of Baraga County announced it will join 50 other courts in the state a part of mi-FILE. The mi-FILE program is an e-filing initiative sponsored by the Michigan Supreme Court, and the state court administration office, to provide electronic document submission 24 hours a day seven days a week.
97th District Court administrator of Houghton, Baraga, and Keweenaw counties Nikki Jollimore says the courts are excited to join the e-filing initiative that will streamline the mechanics of litigation, and offer significant cost savings to attorneys, litigants, and courts.
The Baraga County District Court will join the mi-FILE initiative within 90 days. Once the court goes live with mi-FILE attorneys will be required to use e-filing.