The Alfred Erickson American Legion’s veterans invite the Copper Country to a delicious fundraiser supporting veterans’ projects in the community. On Sunday the Alfred Erickson Post in Hancock will host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser. The event will aid the American Legion’s support of local youth programs like Boys State, Girl Scouts, and Scouts of America. The fundraiser will also support veteran funeral service costs, the legion baseball team, and other local charitable ventures. The Dinner will include spaghetti, fresh French bread, coleslaw, and a cookie. For many years the Alfred Erickson American Legion post’s veterans have perfected its spaghetti sauce. The Spaghetti dinner fundraiser supporting the Alfred Erickson American Legion Post 186 will begin at noon on Sunday. Dinner costs ten dollars and is curbside pick-up only. The Alfred Erickson American Legion Post is located at 1308 Quincy Street in Hancock.