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Tech hockey loss sealed after late goal waived off

With 2:04 left in the third, Trenton Bliss attacked the left side of the Lake State zone, using his long reach to sweep a pass to the front that was slammed home by sophomore Tristan Ashbrook. What had been a sleepy period suddenly got intriguing as Michigan Tech had seemingly tied the game at two.

Before the scoring chance, neither team had registered as a threat, barely registering five shots apiece in the frame. Lake Superior State Coach Damon Whitten challenged the tally, arguing that Tech was offsides entering the zone. The replay official agreed and the score went back to 2-1. Forward Yuki Miora slid in an empty netter and the Lakers defeated Tech for a second time in the 20-21 campaign, this time 3-1.

Lake State was the better team through the first half of the first period, but Tech carried it from then on. The Huskies outshot their opponent by a 2:1 margin in the contest. The Lakers counterpunched effectively. 17:35 into the first, a harmless zone entry turned into a great scoring chance when the puck deflected off the referee’s skate into the slot. Benito Posa beat Tech goalie Blake Pietila blocker side on a wrist shot from the right circle. Lukas Kaelble assisted.

Lake Superior’s second tally came just :33 into the second period. Forward Pete Veillete executed a perfect saucer pass over Tech’s defender on a two-on-one opportunity. Sophomore Lucas Boudon just had to tap it in and the Lakers were up 2-0.

Tech answered with their only goal of the night at the 7:15 mark of the second. Justin Misiak beat a Lake State defender to the puck behind the net. He threw it out front to Brian Halonen who had it roll off his stick right to Trenton Bliss. The captain took the gift and scored easily from the top of the crease.

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