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Obituary: Mark Edwin Weber

As received from the  Erickson Crowley Peterson Funeral Home:

Mark Edwin Weber was born in 1951 in Essexville, MI. He passed away peacefully at his home in Fulton, MI at the age of 69, in the company of loved ones, on July 24, 2020.  

Mark was the son of Naomi and Edwin Weber of Essexville, MI, and is survived by his sister Mignon, daughter Aila, and son Max. His mother passed away at the age of 97 on December 8, 2020. Amelia called him Dad, and he was known to Kai as Papa.

Mark has more loved ones than can be named here. He attended Garber High School and Michigan State University, where he excelled academically and athletically, and made lifelong friends. Whether in childhood, college, Europe, Copper Harbor, Alaska, Cancun, or somewhere in between, he was a good friend to many. Mark was a dedicated employee of the Goodwill Farm in Houghton, MI, where he worked until retirement. 

Mark lived an exceptionally healthy and active lifestyle. He could often be found in his organic garden during the summer months, cross-country skiing in the winter, or exploring the local area with a sense of wonderment and adventure. He cared deeply for those around him.  

We will be holding a very informal remembrance at one of Mark’s favorite places, Brockway Mountain, at 3:00 p.m. on July 24, 2021. If you’re a loved one who would like to be included or have any questions, please contact Aila or Max for more information…or simply take a drive up to Brockway at your convenience and wish his spirit well. As Mark would say, “10-4.”   

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