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Obituary: Marie Ruth Cudia

As received from the Ryan Funeral Home:

Calumet – Marie Ruth Cudia age 96, passed away on Sunday, April 26 at the Canalview Medical Center. Marie was born in Swedetown on August 7, 1923 a daughter of Eino and Lucy Aho. Marie worked at Allis Chalmers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during World War II. She moved to Detroit and worked at Burroughs Corporation for many years. Marie was married to Eli Kosovac and later married Earl Cudia in 1971. The couple lived in Detroit, and later Gladstone, Michigan. She resided in Calumet since Earl’s death in 2009. She is preceded in death by her sisters Marjorie Kumpula and Phyllis Kosovac and is survived by one sister, Barbara Kinnunen of Calumet. Marie is survived by numerous nieces and nephews. A graveside service will take place in Lake View Cemetery later this summer. Ryan Funeral Home is serving the family.

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