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Watersmeet Declines School Funding

Six Michigan schools are in line to receive funding to help them transition to a year-round format, one of which is in the U.P. However, the Watersmeet Township School District will not be using the $709,000 they were awarded. The district first learned of the grant shortly before the May 1st deadline. School officials were thrilled to have the funding approved, but the community had a much different sentiment. One of the reasons cited for their disapproval was the fact that kids would not be able to work during the summer months. The school board took note of the concerns presented by not only the parents, but the students and staff as well, and voted to reject the funding on June 30th. Officials say they would have liked to implement the year-round curriculum, which involves the same 180-day calendar, but felt it was best to not go against the wishes of the community.

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