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Update On NWC Effort To Secure Phase III At Conglomerate Falls

Great News!  We have raised all but $1,800 of the $10,600 CF III down payment!! (see below)

Congrats and Thank You to everyone who has donated so far : )
We only have 3 days left — please help us across the finish line!
You can donate on CrowdRise or NWC website or
mail a check to NWC, PO Box 124, Calumet, MI 49913
Hi NWC Family!  (original email sent March 20, updates shown in red)

Ahh, spring.  Bright sun, melting snow, rushing creeks and rivers.  And it smells so good. Thawed earth! More wet spring snow today!

The sap is flowing and the sandhill cranes are back already, along with trumpeter swans and a few geese, and robins, merlins, juncos, purple finches, and turkey vultures have been sighted too.  It won’t be long before the woods are fully leafed and filled with warmth and birdsong.

What better way to celebrate the first day of spring than to help secure Phase III at Conglomerate Falls!

As you recall, together we raised $60,000 in December and acquired CF Phase IV — thank you and congrats to all.  I can’t wait to get out on the property.  Let’s plan on Saturday June 13 to get together and explore CF Phase IV and CF Phase III.  It will probably be buggy, but also peak birding season and you all can see what a gem we have (almost) secured.

Speaking of CF III, remember that the NWC is purchasing this parcel (the 80 acres to the west of CF IV) in August 2015, and we need the $10,600 down payment by the end of March.  April 11th – only 3 more days!

Two NWC members have agreed to give 1/2 the down payment ($5,300, thank you!!) provided we raise the other 1/2.  So “all” we need to raise is $5,300 for the $10,600 down payment, of which we’ve already done over $3,500.  [Plus we have that pesky $5,000 SMP monthly mortgage payment, of which the monthly sustainers and annual donors have now covered all $5,000.]

That leaves $7,300 $5,000. $1,800  Only $1,800 left to raise by April 11.  And remember every dollar raised for Phase III is matched, doubling your donation.

Think of that warbler pair who wintered in Central America, managed to transit the gauntlet from there to here, and then arrives at CF Phase III.  They find it intact.  Wooded. Safe and suitable for raising a brood or two of young.  And they stay all spring and summer, available for our viewing and listening pleasure.  What is the value of a single warbler pair and nest? (and we provide habitat for thousands of such pairs, to say nothing of all the other birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, and amphibians who live among the trees, shrubs, flowers, and wetlands on NWC property).  Priceless to be sure, but in fact there is a dollar value — land acquisition.  $10,600 down by March 31 April 11, and $1,325/acre ($106,000 total) for CF III.

So, can you provide our feathered friends a home?  Can you give $10 month, or do your annual $120 donation now?  Can you give a bigger chunk toward the down payment? 3 2 1 person at $1,500?

Many thanks to all who have donated, and especially to our generous C Falls matching donors, special Seven Mile Point March donor, and recent special Phase III donor, Sue R :).
I am aware that the NWC is always asking for donations.  But when I think of all the plant and animal life that exists on properties we have protected, it definitely seems worth it. A bargain. Let’s go find some nests on CF III and CF IV in June.


Donate by March 31 April 11 to lock up another 80 acres at Gratiot River, C Falls Phase III.

All donations doubled by 2 generous donors :). We raise $5,300; it doubles instantly to $10,600
 CrowdRise or NWC website or write and mail check to NWC, PO Box 124, Calumet, MI 49913.
Thanks to those who have donated already and Happy Vernal Equinox!

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