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“Superior” Premieres At Calumet Theater

The movie ‘Superior” is a tale about two teenagers who decide to have one last adventure, bicycling around Lake Superior in the summer of ’69.

It’s based on a true story, written and directed by Edd Benda, who came out last summer with his crew from Beyond the Porch Productions to film the movie.

The film premiered in Hollywood at the Chinese Theater earlier this year, but it will now be seen for the first time by the community who helped make it.

Actor Paul Stanko plays ‘Derek’ in the film.

The film stars Paul Stanko and Thatcher Robinson and features several local actors including Harvey Desnick, Pasi Lautala, Kris Kyro, Sherry Saarinen and Brian Downing.

Superior held it’s Michigan Premiere last night at the Calumet Theater.  If you missed it, you have one more chance to see it tonight at 7pm.

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