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Staff Changes At Michigan Tech


Michigan Tech has a new provost and vice president for academic affairs.

Jacqueline Huntoon has been dean of Michigan Tech’s Graduate School since 2005 and associate provost since 2011.

She is also a professor in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences.

Huntoon has been recognized nationally for her leadership in higher education and in her field of geology.

She currently serves as the chair of the Graduate Record Exam Board, which oversees the exams most commonly used to evaluate the qualifications of students applying for graduate school, and she has served as program director for diversity and education at the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Geosciences.

Her new appointment is effective July 20, 2015. She replaces Max Seel, who has returned to the Department of Physics faculty.


Michigan Tech is making a change in leadership in its IT department.

The University’s Chief Information Officer Walt Milligan will return to the Materials Science and Engineering faculty effective August 16, after nine years of service.

Josh Olson, who is currently the Chief Technology Officer, will be promoted to CIO, and Jarrod Karau, who is currently Deputy Chief Technology Officer will be promoted to Deputy Chief Information Officer.

Olson received a BS in Computer Information Systems from Northern Michigan University, and an MBA from Michigan Tech. He has worked in IT at Michigan Tech since 2005, and has had the responsibility for the day-to-day operations of IT for the past year.

Karau earned a BS in Computer Science and an MBA, both from Michigan Tech. He has worked in IT at Michigan Tech for almost 20 years and has held leadership positions in IT for more than 10 years.

Milligan had announced his retirement from the CIO position in February 2014, but stayed on an extra year and a half after his successor abruptly resigned.

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