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Snyder Vows To Continue To Search For Road Funding Solution

It was unofficially the biggest margin of defeat for a ballot proposition since the writing of the Michigan Constitution in 1963.

But Governor Rick Snyder says he won’t let the trouncing of Proposal 1 on Tuesday get him down.

Voters Tuesday said no to the sales tax increase to trigger more money for roads. Less than 20 percent of the voters said yes.

So the governor wants to sit down with lawmakers for a legislative solution to the road funding problem instead of another ballot proposal.

Speaking on a conference call with reporters Wednesday, the governor also indicated that a short term solution to road funding is not the answer, since such an approach tends to be unsustainable when trying to tackle such a huge issue.

As for the defeat, he says they should get back to work and in the meantime “I’m not going to let (the defeat) get me down.”

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