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Shakeup in administrative ranks at H-PT Schools

The resignation of Superintendent Doreen Kramer is putting familiar faces in new positions across the administrative ranks of Houghton-Portage Township Schools. At last night’s Board of Education meeting, Anders Hill officially became Kramer’s replacement, effective January 3rd. He moves from elementary school principal, which is being filled by current high school principal Cole Klein. The elementary school is situated in a separate building from the rest of the district, and that gives the principal a large degree of autonomy. The Board of Education likes to groom future leadership from the position for that reason.

Klein’s last administrative report as the head of the high school made up a large portion of the roughly 20-minute meeting. He announced that driver’s education through the district will have its first class in the coming months.

Our plan is to have a Segment I and Segment II class each semester, and hopefully have one throughout the summer as well.

Klein also highlighted the generosity of students and staff, both through the results of the Toys for Tots effort and a blood drive held on December 2nd.

Our National Honor Society organized a blood drive with the UP Regional Blood Bank. That was held early December in our building, and it was a huge success. They were able to draw 34 units of blood, which was more than double to what they’ve ever done with our school.

Staff and students raised over $4,000 for gifts. Klein said the seniors were rewarded with the opportunity to go on a shopping spree, picking out what toys would be donated to less fortunate children in the area.

In other business, the board unanimously hired Tiffany Scullion as the new high school principal. It gave Kramer a gift to mark her exit from the district, with President Nels Christopherson saying she will be missed. Kramer intends to spend more time downstate, closer to the majority of her family. Hill, Klein, Athletic Director John Sanregret, and others all praised Kramer for her leadership through the years.

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