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Second Adopt-A-Highway cleanup of the year

Thousands of Adopt-A-Highway volunteers will be back picking up litter along state roadways starting Saturday, as they’ve done each summer since 1990. Participants in the popular Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) program will clean highway roadsides from July 11 to 19 during the second of three scheduled pickups this year.

“This year marks a quarter century of outstanding community service from groups in the Adopt-A-Highway program,” said State Transportation Director Kirk T. Steudle. “For 25 years, these volunteer crews have given a big financial boost to MDOT, and the entire state. They’re performing an important job that we simply couldn’t otherwise afford.

Every year, Adopt-A-Highway volunteers collect about 70,000 bags of trash, for a total of more than 2 million bags in 25 years. Last year alone, Adopt-A-Highway cleanups generated a $5 million value for state taxpayers.

Getting involved in the program is straightforward. Volunteers include members of civic groups, businesses and families. Crew members have to be at least 12 years old and each group must include at least three people. Groups are asked to adopt a section of highway for at least two years. There is no fee to participate.

Adopt-A-Highway signs bearing group names are posted along the stretches of adopted highway.

When working in a highway right of way, Adopt-A-Highway volunteers wear high-visibility, yellow-green safety vests required by federal regulations. MDOT provides free vests and trash bags, and arranges to haul away the trash.

Sections of highway are still available for adoption. Interested groups can get more information at www.michigan.gov/adoptahighway.

The year’s final Adopt-A-Highway pickup is scheduled for the fall, from Sept. 26 to Oct. 4.

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