Home / Featured / Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park Introducing Scenic Viewfinders for the Colorblind
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Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park Introducing Scenic Viewfinders for the Colorblind

Travelers to the Porcupine Mountains this summer can view the world through a different lens. The park is introducing new scenic viewfinders in the park specifically for those that are colorblind. The most common form being red and green color blindness, which can make it difficult for colorblind people view grand vistas, especially those covered by forested ridges like in the Porkies. Approximately 425,000 residents in Michigan suffer some degree of colorblindness, and the condition is most common in men. The wilderness park is introducing EnChroma glasses as well, so visitors can traverse the trails in a new light.


We are going to unveil scenic viewers at the park that will allow color blind people to see the world, and the colors of nature at the park, for the first time through a scenic viewer specially adapted for color blindness.

Three local color-blind people – a park ranger, a retiree and a hotel worker – will be on hand to look through the viewers for the first time. They will also be available for media interviews, along with DNR staffers.

These three people will also try on EnChroma glasses for color blindness and can discuss with you the challenges of being color blind and how the viewers and glasses open up a whole new world of color for them.

One in 12 men (8%) and one in 200 women (.5%) are color blind – 13 million in the US, about 425,000 in Michigan and 350 million people worldwide. The viewer (made by SeeCoast Manufacturing and adapted with EnChroma lenses), and EnChroma glasses, are part of a Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ goal to expand accessibility and inclusion.

Color blindness can make visits to nature less appealing. While people with normal color vision see over one million hues and shades, the color blind only see 10% of them.

To the color blind, the world appears gray, dull, washed out and some colors are indistinguishable; purple and blue look the same; red appears brown; pink is gray; green looks brownish or gray, peanut butter seems green and stoplights whiteish.

To see color can be emotional. Click here to watch this video to understand the power that experiencing the world in color can elicit.

NOTE: More info and media assets are available at: http://www.EnChroma.com/media-kit/ including b-roll, executive interviews, product shots, user reaction videos and more.

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