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Porcupine Mountains Has Trio Of Memorial Day Weekend Events

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With Memorial Day weekend approaching, many people are looking to get outdoors.

This weekend, Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park will be providing some unique opportunities to help nature lovers kick off their camping season.

A trio of holiday weekend programs include a live birds of prey presentation, a guided bear den hike, and a look at some of the common beach stones found along Union Bay.

The Live Birds of Prey presentation will be given by Joe Rogers of Wildlife Recovery Association.

The guided hike to an actual bear den will also include some basic bear biology and history.

DNR Deputy Public Information Officer John Pepin says these fun and educational opportunities have been popular in the past and appeal to all audiences.

“It’s a great opportunity for people who have never been to the park,” said DNR Deputy Public Information Officer John Pepin, “to be introduced to the park. These are free programs for the public. Those people who have been to the park and enjoyed it, these are ways that augment past experiences that they’ve had and gives them new ways to enjoy the park.”

At roughly 60,000 acres, Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park is Michigan’s largest state park.

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