A new Michigan poll says Michigan voters support gay rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
The poll conducted by the Glengariff Group for WDIV TV in Detroit.
Voters support same sex marriage by a 56-to-23 margin.
They support including full civil rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered residents for housing an employment by a whopping 77-to-18 margin.
Republican support for those rights is nearly as large, 71-percent to 22 percent.
Even voters over the age of 65 support expansion by a 77-to 18 margin.
Michigan voters oppose “Religious Freedom” legislation allowing a business to deny service to a customer based on religious differences by a wide margin.
Only 19 percent support the bills. Seventy-seven percent oppose them.
And 56 percent support legalizing small amounts of recreational marijuana by a 56-to-36 margin.
However, those over the age of 65 oppose legalizing recreational pot.