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Western Upper Peninsula Health Department Outlines Steps To Ensure Safe Return To School

One of our greatest challenges during this pandemic is the safe return of children and teachers to school this Fall.

This from Kate Beer, Health Officer for the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department.

In a press release issued last night, the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department outlined steps on how they’re working with the Copper Country ISD and GogebicOntonagon ISD to ensure the safety of students as they return to school.

The Health Department will use the state’s MI Safe Start Map, as their primary source for statistics for the safe reopening of schools.

Beer went on to say the state’s website provides the most up to date information in terms of regional and county case counts along with testing levels.

Beer also said that information regarding local outbreaks will play an important role in decision making.

The Health Department will also take into consideration prevention measures for each school district, including their ability to social distance, mask compliance and cleaning protocols. 

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