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Waara Gets High Mark from Houghton Council

Houghton city council members who frequently find themselves at odds have found one thing they agree on. They like their city manager. Eric Waara’s annual evaluation was revealed at last night’s meeting, with a 92 percent satisfactory rating.

Waara noted that public works employees did a great job over the past couple of weeks facilitating various events around the city, including Winter Carnival and Jibba Jabba. The department will focus on patching potholes over the next few weeks.

Council members chose Huntington Bank to handle the city’s $1.5 million capital improvements bond issue. The money will be used to help pay for demolition of the big downtown parking deck, which is anticipated to begin this spring.

In advance of the regular council meeting, the zoning board of appeals approved a setback distance variance for 501 Memorial Drive. Plans to demolish the former Hardee’s restaurant and build a new Dunkin’ Donuts franchise will advance to the city planning commission for a site plan review.

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