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September 26th Is Downtown Day

Through a proclamation from the state, September 26th is now officially Downtown Day.

This from Hancock’s City Council Meeting last night.

Activities are planned, although not finished yet.

Updates will be announced when available.

The Council is also working with FEMA to try to get additional funding for the Water Tank Roof. 

There is also an opening on the Board of Review. 

The Cemetery is asking all plants and flowers to be removed by October 1st.

They will clean up and close on October 31st.

The Fall Clean Up is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, please observe COVID-19 guidelines when taking your trash to the city garage.

The recreation survey brought in over 300 responses, they’re working on the 5 year recreation plan which they hope to bring before the council in December.

The Council approved the City of Hancock Guide to Development and the 2019-2020 City of Hancock Planning Commission Report.

The lease of a winter loader with Road Machinery and Supplies for $2,000 a month for salt and sand was also approved, and Holland Street will be returning to one-way traffic.

Council member John Haeussler was appointed to the Houghton County Recreational Authority and a special meeting to discuss the city’s rental ordinance was scheduled for September 29th at 6pm. 

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