Attention Seniors–a special day is being planned for you!
The Senior Heritage Day Picnic will be held at the Houghton County Arena on Tuesday, September 13th from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program is now coordinating the event previously ran by the now disbanded Commission on Aging.
RSVP Program Specialist Christina Mayworm explains why this remains such a popular event.
Their theme is “Oldies but Goodies Music Montage!”
They have invited several businesses, community agencies, and educational institutions to come and share what they have to offer to seniors, plus they’ll have games, prizes, and raffles.
The event is open to all seniors, 60 and over.
Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door.
Senior Heritage Day Picnic
What: Senior Heritage Day Picnic
When: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 11:00 to 1:00
Who: Seniors 60 and over
Where: Houghton Count Arena
Why: Provide Seniors an opportunity to socialize, learn about local services and community offerings, participate in fun activities, and enjoy lunch
Cost: $5.00 each – tickets at the door
History: The Commission on Aging, with financial assistance from the Houghton Co. Board of Commissioners, has sponsored a picnic for local seniors for over 20 years. The Commission on Aging has been an informal group, comprised of local service providers focused on the well-being of older adults. The membership has declined dramatically over the past several years so this group has disbanded.
Current: The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) has decided to take the lead in planning and hosting the event.
Theme: Oldies but Goodies Music Montage!
The RSVP Advisory Committee and event planners want to encourage active seniors to attend.
They have invited several businesses, community agencies, and educational institutions to come and share what they have to offer to seniors.
There will be games, prizes, and raffles!