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Schuette Tours Flood Damage

Michigan’s Attorney General can now be counted among the state officials who have seen the damage of the Father’s Day Flood for themselves.

Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette visited the Copper Country Friday…making stops in Hancock, Houghton, and Ripley.

“This is an opportunity for me as Attorney General and as a candidate for governor to see first hand what we’ll need to do in the future to help on the cleanup and the rebuilding and the restoration. I want to work with your outstanding congressman Jack Bergman in terms of what federal funds may or may not be available. I want to work with Tom Casperson, an outstanding state senator, to work with legislators as to how we go forward and how we can help the rebuilding process,” said Schuette.

Schuette said he met with the Markham family who lost their son in the flood and with local community members who have worked to lift each other up.  “I was just struck by the spirit of volunteerism, hearing about Team CC and how they helped clean up people’s basements, muck it out, clean it up, the hours of volunteer time, when community leaders came together to try to help. That’s classic, vintage Upper Peninsula. It’s classic, vintage Michigan, quite frankly, where people help each other,” he said.

Residents should also be wary of scams that target areas hit by natural disasters.  Schuette recommends visiting the State of Michigan Attorney General’s website if there any concerns about contractors.

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