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Republicans Come Together For 110th District Candidate Forum

The Republican Party of Keweenaw County will be hosting a candidate forum featuring Republican 110th District State House candidates on Tuesday, June 19th at the Dee Stadium Ballroom in Houghton.

Doors to the event will open at 7 P.M. and the forum will begin at 7:30 P.M.

Candidates Keith LaCosse, Gregory Markkanen, Kirk Schott, and Brady Tervo will be answering questions and discussing issues important to Copper Country voters.

“This forum is an excellent opportunity for voters to hear from the Republican candidates in one place,” explains Chair of the Republican Party of Keweenaw County Sherry Bryson. “Voters will be able to hear candidates positions on key issues affecting the Copper Country and the Upper Peninsula as a whole.”

The candidates will be asked on a wide variety of topics from forum moderator Jake Putala, including jobs, the economy, education, energy costs, auto insurance reform, and constitutional rights.

This event is free to attend and open to the public. Refreshments will be available. For more information, contact the Republican Party of Keweenaw County.

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