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Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Public Meeting To Discuss US-41/College Avenue Reconstruction

The Michigan Department of Transportation invites the public to a meeting to discuss the planned 2021 US-41 reconstruction project in Houghton.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 10th at 5:30pm in the Houghton City Center.

Plans will be discussed and there will be opportunities for residents and business owners to ask questions or speak one-on-one with MDOT and city officials.

MDOT is planning to reconstruct US-41 along College Avenue and Townsend Drive from MacInnes Drive to Isle Royale Street in 2021.  College Avenue is proposed to become a three-lane section.  The city will have the option to convert a portion of Townsend Drive from two lanes in each direction to one through-lane in each direction with appropriate left- and right-turn lanes.

Accommodations can be made for persons with disabilities and limited English-speaking ability. Large print materials, auxiliary aids or the services of interpreters, signers, or readers available upon request. Please call 517-335-4381 to request at least seven days before meeting date.

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