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Potential Contractors Will Review Parking Deck Demo Project Today

The impending demolition of the Houghton’s big downtown parking deck will take another step forward today.

City officials will host contractors interested in taking on the project at a pre-bid meeting.

Because of the scope of the project, Houghton city manager Eric Waara told the city council last week that they had gone beyond the usual local advertising…

That ad also goes to what’s called “plan rooms” around the other Midwest regions – Green Bay, Chicago, Minneapolis, Grand Rapids – those places where contractors go to look at projects.

Waara said a larger pool of contractors usually produces lower bids, and there has been interest…

A couple of demo companies from downstate have ordered plans, so they’re taking a look at it.

Contractors interested in the job need to submit bids by April 12th.

Waara provided the latest update last night, at the city planning commission meeting, and noted that information about parking options will be forthcoming soon.

The planning commission approved an addition to the Pepsi Cola of Houghton building on Sharon Avenue, and also rubber-stamped an expansion of the deck on the Lakeshore Drive side of the Keweenaw Brewing Company’s downtown outlet. A lower level will be added, and lighting will be upgraded.

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