School districts in Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw and Ontonagon counties are getting help with their safe start to the school year programs, thanks to the Portage Health Foundation donating over $428,000.
Kevin Store, executive director of the Portage Health Foundation said Schools are a cornerstone of a safe, healthy community, and we recognize the additional stress the safe reopening of our schools has caused on their operating budgets. We simply wanted to provide some level of support for them as they do their best to resume in-person and online education as part of the COVID response.
Most districts will receive $5,000 and $50 per pupil. Districts with under 15 students, will get $2,000 and $50 per pupil.
Schools will be able to use the funds towards additional materials and other resources needed to effectively proceed with their COVID-19 Response and Reopening plans.
If you’d like to donate to one of the multiple relief efforts sponsored by the Portage Health Foundation, a link to do so is here.