“What choice will you make?”
That’s the theme of a new short film just released by the Portage Area Girl Scouts.
The 7-minute mini-drama, titled “Chloe’s Choice”, tells the story of a student who is invited to go drinking with friends the same night her family plans to spend the evening together.
12-year-old Amelia Sander stars in the film as “Chloe”. Sander said, “The choice was about if she was going to go to an alcohol party or stay home and watch a movie with her dad. She had two choices so it was hard for her to make a choice.”
The script was written by Amelia’s sister, Emilie, and produced by the local girl scouts, with help from Dial Help and the Houghton-Keweenaw Communities That Care.
The effort was part of the annual Red Ribbon Campaign to bring awareness to substance use and abuse issues.
The girl scouts also made a 15-second message that has already been seen roughly 1,300 times in only a few days.
Both videos are available on YouTube.
Chloe’s Choice
YOLO! What Choice Would You Make?