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Open House Scheduled For Abandoned Mining Wastes Project

An open house for the Abandoned Mining Wastes Project will be held by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality later this month.

The open house will be held August 29th from 4:00-7:00 pm at the Lake Linden-Hubbell High School Auditorium.

The DEQ invites the public to learn about the project findings and its next steps.

The focus of the project is the mining-era chemical containers and residues historically discarded in or near Torch Lake.

Work to date has included a review of historic studies, on-land and in-lake investigative activities, and a series of remedial actions.

DEQ and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency representatives will be at the open house to provide information and answer questions.

Project area maps, photographs, and information on completed and planned activities at the Lake Linden Recreation Area, Calumet & Hecla Mineral Building in Hubbell, and the Quincy Mining Company Mason Operation Area will be available.

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