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Markkanen Say House budget plan repairs roads, improves schools without tax hike

State Representative Greg Markkanen is praising a budget plan passed this week by the Republican-controlled State House.

Markkanen said the plan includes record funding for road repairs and schools without a massive tax hike.  “The spending plan we developed in the House invests in areas that matter most to Michigan families without hurting taxpayers,” Markkanen said. “Rather than asking residents for more money, we took a hard look at state government spending and found even ways to deliver better value. This deliberative process freed up resources for well-established priorities such as roads, schools, public health and safety, and local community services.”

Some of the key elements of the plan include shifting money raised though gas taxes to road repair, increasing per pupil funding for Michigan schools, increasing revenue sharing for local communities to enhance public services, and reducing spending.

Markkanen said the House budget plan costs Michigan taxpayers about $1.3 billion less than the plan recommended by Governor Whitmer.

House Democrats have criticized the plan saying it fails to adequately fund road repairs, schools, or the infrastructure upgrades needed to provide access to clean water.

In response, state Rep. Jon Hoadley (D-Kalamazoo), who serves as the Democratic vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee, said, “We know we need better roads. We know we need better schools. We know we need clean water for all. And we know the solution to ensuring those things, and it’s adequately funding them. Unfortunately these budgets don’t do that. Luckily this is just one step in an ongoing process, and that’s why my colleagues and I sent a clear message today that we’re going to stand up for everyday Michiganders and demand something better. Every household deserves access to clean water, world-class schools and roads that can get us home safely. That budget is possible, and we’re going to make sure it happens.”

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