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Local Animal Rehab Groups Wants To Build An Aviary

Fundraising is underway to establish an aviary in the Copper Country.

UP Wildlife Rehabilitation—Keweenaw Group has been rehabilitating mammals since 2013.

Recently they have begun plans to include migratory birds to the species list they can rehabilitate.

One of their volunteers is a long time wild bird rehabber, and has been added under Chocolay Raptor Center in Marquette as a subpermittee for migratory birds.  Another of their volunteers recently passed the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Councils basic wildlife rehabilitation course and will be applying for her state and federal permit in the near future.

In order to add migratory birds to their repertoire, they need to have caging large enough for their feathered friends.  This requires building an aviary that is predatory proof, safe, and large enough for a variety of bird species.

The aviary will be constructed of wood, lined with hardware cloth then lined with screen.   They will also have to construct a slanted roof that will be durable for our UP winters.  The aviary will be located on a secluded property with plenty of trees, shade and peace and quiet for the birds to recover.

If you would like to support this effort, follow the link to their Go Fund Me page.

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