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L’Anse Approves New Budget, Supports Trail Development Plan

The Village of L’Anse has a new budget.

At last night’s meeting, council members approved the plan. Village Manager Bob LaFave reported that it represents a slight increase over last year. He also noted that some flexibility may be needed, as prices for fuel, goods and services are rising.

The village base property tax rate will remain the same.

No one spoke at the public hearings held on either issue.

Councilors approved pursuing a state grant to assist with upcoming work on River Street.

A plan is in place to address drainage issues along a one-mile stretch of the road. If the Michigan Department of Transportation grant can be obtained, the extra money could allow for repaving that stretch, as well.

Emmett Bjorn from U.P. Engineers and Architects said there’s no guarantee that the money will come…

You score points for teaming it up with other projects. That storm water project Bob just mentioned already has plans fully developed and is shovel-ready. That will make it a good candidate.

But, the village just received a similar grant to repave L’Anse and Baraga Avenues, and Bjorn said that could work against a new application.

The council also lent its support to an effort to have a stretch of unused rail bed turned over for development as an ATV and snowmobile trail. The line stretches from the new L’Anse Industrial Park to the north edge of the village of Baraga.

LaFave said rail service to the industrial park would be maintained.

Support was conditional on approval of the plan by the village of Baraga.

If Canadian National can be persuaded to give up the right-of-way, it could provide a valuable trail connection between the two villages.

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