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Ladies Night Tonight In Downtown Houghton

The streets of downtown Houghton will belong to the ladies this evening.

Ladies Night returns to the city once again, with many of the businesses open and offering discounts and refreshments.

Houghton Business Development Director Susie Landers says these ladies are there to shop and support local businesses.

The evening’s festivities run from 5 to 8pm.

Landers says by shopping local, the women will be doing more than just having a great time.

Need someone to watch the kids while you shop? CrossFit Hakkapelitta is offering childcare for shoppers.

Children ages seven and older can enjoy games and workouts. The cost is $25.00 per child ($20.00 for CrossFit members).

They ask that you do register in advance. Register by emailing crossfithakkyouth@gmail.com.

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