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KNHP Seeks Heritage Site Partners

Keweenaw National Historical Park is accepting applications for new heritage sites. 

Heritage sites are not owned by the park, and are independently operated. Inclusion in the program provides increased visibility and marketing opportunities, access to the expertise of the National Park Service and funding opportunities.  

Keweenaw Heritage Sites must contain significant cultural and/or natural resources and make a unique contribution to the copper mining story. Sites applying to the program are required to meet several criteria, including regular posted hours of operation open to the public, a stable and sustaining organizational structure, a commitment to attend meetings of Heritage Site representatives, and sharing visitor statistics to Keweenaw National Historical Park.  

Applications are due by the close of business March 31st. Forms can be picked up at KNHP Headquarters, mailed, or emailed upon request. For questions and/or application requests, please contact Advisory Commission Executive Director, Sean Gohman, over phone or email: 906-483-3040 / sean_gohman@partner.nps.gov.

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