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Keweenaw Community Foundation YAC Announces Grants To Benefit Local Youth

yac-grants-2016-awardedThe Youth Advisory Council (YAC) of the Keweenaw Community Foundation is pleased to announce that $12,402.48 has been awarded to seven local organizations with funds available from the Kellogg Youth Endowment Fund.

These grants will support projects that benefit youth in grades 6-­12 in Houghton and Keweenaw Counties.

The seven grant recipients are:
• Omega House to assist children & teens affected by grief and loss
• Houghton Middle School to help fund the Environment & Sustainability Science Project
• The Calumet Theatre’s All School Musical 2017
• SEEDS Youth Conservation Corps to help certify young workers supporting green collar jobs in Keweenaw County
• The Copper Country Intermediate School District’s (CCISD) Technology and Outdoor Learning Initiative
• Houghton High School’s Gremlins Spirit Squad
• CCISD Student Leadership Committee’s Reach for the SKY Talent Show.

Projects will take place between December 2016-­December 2017.

The Youth Advisory Council considers results from their Youth Needs Survey during the decision making process.

The Youth Needs Survey, conducted in Fall of 2014, collected responses from students in grades 7-­12 at local area schools

The survey found depression, drug abuse, and bullying to be the greatest challenges facing youth in the Copper Country.

The survey also asked what programs they’d be most interested in.

Many teens are interested in after-­school activities, gaining job skills, leadership building programs, and health programs.

The survey results are posted on the Keweenaw Community Foundation website: www.k-­c-­f.org/yac.

“Being a part of the Youth Advisory Council and participating in the grant cycles is such a unique experience. The decision process is student led and allows our members to really have a voice in the
community while making a positive impact as we distribute about $15,000 each cycle,” stated YAC president Lindsay Sandell. “YAC members learn about everything that goes into the grant cycle, and we are responsible for everything from releasing RFP’s to awarding the applicants, which really has taught me a lot about philanthropy and charitable giving.”

New YAC member Jake Putala was elated to take part in the grant cycle. He states, “The best part of serving on YAC is being able to make a visible, positive impact in your community, and on its people. I have learned a ton, and I’m blessed to take part in it.”

For more information or future grant opportunities, consult the KCF website (www.k-­c-­f.org under ‘Grants Currently Available’ or email to mail@k-­c-­f.org.) The next funding cycle is planned for the spring of 2017.

Through philanthropic services, strategic investments and community leadership, Keweenaw Community Foundation helps people support the causes they care about, now and for generations to come. For more information on Keweenaw Community Foundation and how to give, visit its website at www.k-­c-­f.org.

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