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K-Day Tradition Continues For Michigan Tech Students

It’s a tradition at Michigan Tech–students got out of class early Friday for K-Day, short for Keweenaw Day.

K-Day 2016They then headed to McLain State Park to have a great time while choosing which student organizations they will make part of their campus experience.

Students who join Engineers Without Borders will help in-need communities with projects in places like Guatemala and Panama.

Third year Civil Engineering major Gillian Johnson says students who join Engineers Without Borders will help in-need communities with projects in places like Guatemala and Panama.

Johnson said, “They can go on trips, they can help with fundraisers. We’re actually looking to go on another assessment trip in January for our Panama team, so, if they join the team, they can definitely get involved with that and maybe go on the trip.”

Studying at Michigan Tech can be stressful, so some students choose to let loose by dancing–but sometimes you just have to hit something.

Just ask fourth-year Wildlife Ecology and Management major Alex Leech, who is also on Michigan Tech’s Women’s Rugby Team.

Fourth-year Wildlife Ecology & Management major Alex Leech said, “It helps me, it keeps me balanced from not spending too much time with school and still allowing me to get up and be active.”

That balance just might make the difference over the next few years.

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