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Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Isle Royale Fire Smaller than First Feared

The Mount Franklin wildfire on Isle Royale is smaller than initially believed.

Initially estimated at 11 acres based on preliminary information, Isle Royale National Park officials yesterday said that firefighters on the scene have sized it at 5.7 acres. Favorable weather and low wind have kept the fire from growing, so far.

Because of that, some of the campgrounds and trails that were initially closed because of the fire have been reopened.

Here’s what remains closed or limited:
• Greenstone Ridge Trail between the Ojibway Trail junction to the Tobin Harbor/Duncan Bay Portage
 • Lane Cove Trail
 • Mount Franklin Trail
 • Tobin Harbor Trail between the Mount Franklin Trail and Suzy’s Cave Trail
 • Cross-Country Camping Zones: 8, 8A, 9A, 10, 11, 12, 33, 36
 • Lane Cove Campground is now open, but only accessible to paddlers.
 • The north side of the Three Mile Dock is closed to allow unrestricted NPS vessel access.

See the latest information here.

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