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Isle Royale Fire Contained

The Mount Franklin wildfire on Isle Royale has been contained.

The firefighting crew from Minnesota that had arrived August 14 left yesterday. A park official will monitor the area to make sure the blaze does not rekindle.

The fire remained confined to the six acres that were involved when it was first discovered.

All of the trails and campgrounds that had been closed because of the fire have now reopened. Cross-Country Camping Zones 8, 8A, 9A, 10, 11, 12, 33, and 36 remain closed. Park officials encourage those hiking through the burned area to remain on the trail. Rock cairns have been set up as guideposts.

Officials are still trying to determine what started the blaze. They continue to search for those involved with an illegal fire and associated camp on the Mount Franklin Trail from the evening of August 12 into the morning of August 13. 

If you have information that could help, you may submit a tip anonymously:

CALL or TEXT the Tip Line: 888-653-0009

ONLINE: go.nps.gov/SubmitATip

EMAIL: nps_isb@nps.gov

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