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Innovation Shore Angel Network to Hold U.P. Venture Pitch Night

MTEC SmartzoneHOUGHTON, Michigan (November 14, 2016) – The Innovation Shore Angel Network (ISAN) will hold a Western U.P. Venture Pitch Night on Thursday, December 1st in Houghton, Michigan.

The invite-only event will include networking with ISAN members and pitches from four U.P.-based high-tech startups. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with the entrepreneurial founders behind these companies, delve into their technologies and ask the hard questions about their business models and market traction, all while enjoying heavy appetizers and drinks.

The Innovation Shore Angel Network brings together accredited individual investors (Angel Investors) from across the Upper Peninsula, and beyond, to help build wealth in our community and deliver a solid Return On Investment by investing capital in new business start-ups, usually in exchange for ownership equity.

Their mission is to help grow the U.P. economic base, investing in early to middle stage companies, delivering above-market financial returns on ISAN members’ time & capital.

“We helped organize the Innovation Shore Angel Network,” said Marilyn Clark, CEO of MTEC SmartZone. “Angel networks are important to fund startups as they gain traction in the marketplace.  MTEC is committed to creating an entrepreneurial system in the Upper Peninsula to encourage high-tech job growth.”

If you or someone you know is eligible and interested in being invited to the event, please contact the MTEC office at 906-487-7000 or email mtec@mtecsz.com. To be eligible, you must be an accredited investor or be able to qualify as an accredited investor.

For more information on the network and membership opportunities, visit www.innovationshoreangels.com.

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