A Human Trafficking Community Awareness event will be held next week in Hancock.
The group will be at Finlandia University in the Jutila Center’s room 323, the Leroy Keranen Conference Room, on Wednesday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m.
The recently re-established Upper Peninsula Human Trafficking Task Force is working with the Department of Justice, U.S. Homeland Security Investigations, several Upper Peninsula Law Enforcement Agencies, and other local experts in the field to bring this event to the area as part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
Upper Peninsula Human Trafficking Task ForceFeatured speakers include, Leslie A. Hagen from the Department of Justice, Michigan State Police Calumet Post Commander Randal Danison and Stephanie Krieger from s7 Consulting.
Speakers will present on signs to look for in both victims and traffickers, who can be a target of human trafficking, the laws both Federal and Michigan regarding Human Trafficking, and previous cases that have been discovered both nationally and locally.
There will be time for Q & A and a brief invite to any participants to join the UPHTTF by the current Task Force Group Leader/Administrator Marlene Mottes Victim Advocate from the Department of Justice (DOJ), United States Attorney’s Office Western District of Michigan, Marquette Office and other Task Force members.
There will be a Certificate of Attendance anyone can sign up to receive after the presentation via email. A sign up sheet will be available that evening.
There is no registration required and the event is free and open to anyone from the public.