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Houghton County Board Hears About State Budget Impass Effects

The ongoing budget dispute in Lansing could start costing local governments some big bucks before too long.

Houghton County Administrator Eric Forsberg delivered a summary to the Board of Commissioners last night…

There was a bit of good news. The county had been told recently that federal grant money to help purchase sheriff’s patrol cars had been diverted, and would not be available.

Forsberg says it now appears that the money will be forthcoming, although somewhat later than was planned.

And the nearly one-million dollars that had been allocated by the state to get a group of western Upper Peninsula counties off the hook for Western Upper Michigan Manpower Consortium pension contributions that should have been made by the state, that was cut from the budget, may still be in the budget, but in a different place. People in Lansing are looking for it.

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