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Houghton City Council Approves Marijuana Ordinances

Ordinances 2020-310 and 2020-312 were approved at last night’s city council meeting in Houghton.

Now that they’ve been approved, there is no limit to the number of licenses that can be granted for recreational and medicinal marijuana shops.

The public hearing brought people from Negaunee and Iron Mountain, to speak in defense of the ordinances.

City Manager Eric Waara noted no major damage, after the storms this weekend.

Police Chief John Donnelly spoke of the Blue Line Support Walk this Friday.

The council also approved Resolution 1742 which authorized repairs to the Portage Street Elevated Water Tank, which needs a section of leaky pipe replaced.

Resolution 1743, was approved, the city will be purchasing a new plow blade, for the Winter. 

Resolution 1744 was passed, which allows the city to support the governor and CDC guidelines for battling COVID-19.

City Manager Eric Waara was also authorized to apply for alternate funding to repair the pier by the library, as funding was pulled by the state, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

He will also be applying for a First Responder Hazard Pay Grant.

The Downtown Parking Study Presentation is scheduled for August 5th electronically.

It was also mentioned that the city will be conducting hydrant flushing, starting Monday, and running through August 7th.

This will be going on from 6a-6pm each day.

Should your tap water become discolored, simply run the cold water for a few minutes, and that should correct the problem. 

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