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Heritage Grants Awarded

The following press release was issued by Keweenaw National Historical Park:

(Calumet, MI) The Advisory Commission and National Park Service at Keweenaw National Historical Park are pleased to announce that 16 Keweenaw Heritage Grants have been awarded for projects across Michigan’s historic Copper Country.

A total of $137,861.00 was disbursed, with an emphasis on supporting the park’s 21 Keweenaw Heritage Site partners. These funds support a range of projects, from historic building maintenance to new trailside signs and museum collections care.    

The purpose of the Keweenaw Heritage Grant program is to provide partial funding for a broad range of heritage-related projects that support the park’s mission to preserve and interpret copper mining history. Grant recipients are required to meet a 1-to-1 match, with up to 100% of the match allowed as in-kind contributions rather than cash. Individual grants ranging from $1,000 to $15,000 were awarded.

A total of 27 applications were received, and were reviewed by a six-member panel comprised of equal representation from the Commission and NPS. Applicants were required to meet specific criteria relating to project location, the historical significance of the resource, how long the project’s impacts would last, and how they enhance our understanding of area history.

The Keweenaw NHP Advisory Commission and NPS staff would like to thank each applicant, and offer congratulations to the community for their work in preserving and sharing the Copper Country’s rich historical resources and stories.

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