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Health & Wellness Fair At Downtown Houghton Farmer’s Market

In addition to providing fresh and local whole foods to the community, the Downtown Houghton Farmer’s Market believes it has the unique opportunity to support community outreach, education, and wellness activities.

The Downtown Houghton Farmer’s Market will host a Health and Wellness Fair today from 3:30-5:30p.

Participants in attendance include: Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital, UPHS-Portage, Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center, MSU Extension and Vitality Chiropractic & Wellness.

Free activities to those visiting the market include: healthy meal planning, body fat analysis, balance testing, blood pressure screenings, “Think Your Drink”, hydration station, fun food models, postural assessments, and much more!

Organizers say this will be a great event that brings together our community’s local growers and healthcare providers to offer a well-rounded perspective on health and nutrition for families.

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