It’s almost time for high school sports.
In an email sent to parents, Hancock High School Principal/Athletic Director Chris Salani, said parents can expect information next week, on a webinar he’ll be hosting, in preparation for the upcoming Fall sports season.
Topics to be covered include the student-athlete code of conduct, eligibility information, the emergency medical authorization consent form and the concussion awareness and management program.
If your student athlete had a physical last year, they are good for this year.
An updated Health Questionnaire will need to be completed, and Salani recommended getting a physical, for your protection.
If this is your student athlete’s first year, and no physical is on record, they will need one.
So far, free physicals usually offered by UP Health System Portage and the Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center are not being offered this year.
Varsity football players can pick their gear up at the fieldhouse on August 3rd, and two a day practices start on August 10th.
Middle school players can pick gear up from August 24th-27th and practice starts August 31st.
Volleyball will start with a three day “Try Out” Camp from August 12th-14th from 5p-7p each night.
Varsity players will start two a days on August 17th. The JV and Freshman squads will also start practice on the 17th.
Varsity cross Country starts on August 12th, with middle schoolers starting on August 24th.
Girls Middle School Basketball first practice is on August 24th as well.
More information regarding times will be available in the coming weeks.