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Hancock Council to Create Arena Advisory Board, Discuss Wind/Solar Ordinance

The Hancock city council is expected to take another step forward tonight, as it assumes control of the Houghton County Arena.

The city recently purchased the arena from Houghton County, but management of the facility remains under the day-to-day management of Portage Lake Multi-Educational Services until the end of June.

At its meeting this evening, the council will consider establishing an arena advisory board. Along with several city representatives, initial membership would include Jon French from the Copper Country Junior Hockey Association, Craig Sporalski from the Copper Country Old-Timers Hockey Association, and Hancock Schools Athletic Director Chris Salani.

The council will address several other committee appointments, and could approve a $400,000 project to upgrade utilities and repave Poplar Street between Ingot Street and First Street.

And, the council will hold its first discussion about the proposed solar/wind energy ordinance, which was recently endorsed by the city planning commission. A date for a public hearing on the ordinance could be established. A draft copy of the ordinance is available for review at city hall.

Tonight’s meeting will begin at 6:00 at city hall. For a copy of the agenda and online viewing access instructions, click here.

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