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Hancock Accepting Input On Master Plan

Notice is hereby given that the City of Hancock Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2017 at City Hall, 399 Quincy St., Hancock, MI for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposed Master Plan.

The proposed plan is a comprehensive document, long-range in its view, and includes specific goals, objectives, and strategies regarding the future of the community. Per the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Public Act 33 of 2008, as amended), the plan is intended to serve as a guide for future decision-making related to community development. It was last updated in 2012.

Copies of the proposed Master Plan are available for review on the following website: CLICK HERE go to – city information, click on city plans, click on master plan-final draft, or at City Hall during regular office hours. Written comments on the proposed plan may be mailed to: Planning Commission, 399 Quincy St. Comments via email may be sent to manager@cityofhancock.net.

Necessary and reasonable auxiliary aids and services will be provided to individuals with disabilities at the public hearing upon ten days’ notice to Clerk Mary Babcock.

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