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Good Feedback On CCISD’s Professional Development Day

The Copper Country Intermediate School District Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

Superintendent George Stockero shared with the Board details of the October 13th area-wide professional development day organized by the CCISD staff.  10 out of the 13 Copper Country school districts participated in the professional development.  21 half-day sessions were provided at various schools, along with the ISD and Michigan Tech.  There were also 2 full-day sessions.  In all, 240 teachers took part in the professional day sessions.  The CCISD collected feedback from the teachers on how they felt about the PD sessions.  When asked to rate their session on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best, the average ratings for all PD sessions was 4.4.  Also, 90% of the respondents stated they would recommend their session to colleagues.

Stockero expressed to the Board that many ISD personnel worked very hard to organize this professional development day and that it was nice to see that local teachers and school districts appreciated what was provided.  Finally, another area-wide professional development day will be organized by the CCISD staff and is set for March 7th.

The Board also acted on the following:

  • Approved a contract with L’Anse Area Schools for provision of Machine Tool, Accounting and Health Careers/Certified Nursing classes for 2017-18.
  • Approved a revised General Fund budget for 2017-18.
  • Approved the Career and Technical Education budget for 2017-18.
  • Renewed a cash match agreement with Michigan Rehabilitation Services for transitional services for eligible special education students in the three-county area.
  • Approved a contract with U.P. Engineers and Architects of Houghton, Michigan, for architectural design for renovations at the Career Tech Center.

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