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Following Resignations, Hancock School Board Moves Ahead

the Hancock Public Schools Board of Education appointed Catherine Jordan and Dale Kero to fill the board vacancies at a special meeting held March 21, 2019.

The Hancock School Board accepted the resignation of Superintendent Kipp Beaudoin at their regular meeting Monday.

Beaudoin will be leaving after this school year to pursue mission opportunities overseas.

Vice-President Randy Heinonen said, “On behalf of the board, I’d like to thank Kipp for his four years of service here at Hancock and wish him the best in his future endeavors.”

The board will be tasked with finding a replacement but first they need to fill their own vacant seats.

Recent resignations by the School Board President and Secretary have left the board with only five members.  Present at Monday’s meeting were trustees Mary Babcock, Wendy Chynoweth, and Michael Lancour, along with Vice President Heinonen.  Treasurer Charles Paoli participated in the meeting via speaker phone. 

Heinonen said they have received a number of applications and will be meeting with the Personnel Committee by the end of the week.

“The Personnel Committee will make a recommendation of two folks to fill those two spots and then we’ll have an up or down vote on those people that were recommended,” said Heinonen.

The board’s next regular meeting is on April 15th.

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