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Finlandia’s International School of Art & Design hosting open house and portfolio review day July 31

Finlandia University’s International School of Art & Design (ISAD) is hosting an open house and portfolio review day for prospective art students on July 31.

“We are dedicated to making the arts strong in the Upper Peninsula,” ISAD coordinator Gini Brewer said. “We are hosting this event to bring in prospective students and show them what we have to offer.”

The day will begin at 10 a.m. with a tour of FinnU. Afterwards, students will be treated to lunch with faculty and staff from ISAD and be taken on a tour of the Art & Design facilities in the first two floors of the waterfront Jutila Center. Following the tour, Brewer will provide a free portfolio review. Portfolios do not have to be extensive and can be as small as a few pieces of original artwork.

“A portfolio is not required for admission in to our program, but gives students an opportunity to begin talking about their art outside of a classroom setting,” said Brewer. “Even if they decide Finlandia is not the right school for them, we would still like to give them a valuable experience that will help them on their way to a career in the arts.”

Space is limited for the event, but students can RSVP by email to Gini Brewer at gini.brewer@finlandia.edu or phone at 906-487-7225.

Story originally posted at finlandia.edu/news.

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