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Finlandia Hosting “By Faith” An Event Celebrating Suomi Seminary (1904-1958)

The following press release was issued by Finlandia University:

The rich history of Suomi Seminary and the lives and ministries of its graduates will be honored and celebrated September 21-22, 2019 on the campus of Finlandia University. This event, titled “By Faith,” will gather living alumni, family of alumni, the bishop of the Northern Great Lakes Synod (ELCA), other special guests, area clergy, synod and community members, and Finlandia students, faculty, and staff.

The seminary was active from 1904 to 1958 as the theological training institution for pastoral leadership in the Suomi Synod, part of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Over this period of time the Seminary prepared and graduated men called to serve in various capacities, both within and outside the Suomi Synod. What came to be called Suomi College and Seminary would grow and evolve through 1958, at which time the seminary was relocated.

Events planned for this special weekend include community worship, organ recital with hymn sing, the unveiling of a commissioned sculpture in honor of the seminary’s graduates, and inauguration of the Finlandia University Annual Theological Lecture Series. Full details about the event will be released as it nears.

Story originally posted at finlandia.edu/news

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