By 2020, one in five new jobs in the state of Michigan will be in STEM—science, technology, engineering and math. A National Science Foundation grant will expand the number and diversity of academically talented, financially disadvantaged students beginning and completing four-year engineering technology degrees at Michigan Technological University.
The five-year $999,483 Engineering Technology Scholars IMProving Retention and Student Success (ETS-IMPRESS) project will award 12 first-time undergraduate engineering technology students with four-year scholarships and 36 students transferring from community colleges in Michigan and neighboring states with two-year scholarships—$4,500 per student per funded year.
The first round of scholarship applications is open. The deadline is February 28. Apply at
Michigan Tech’s School of Technology offers five undergraduate programs that create applied engineers who design, install, manage, operate and maintain complex technological systems in all kinds of industries, from construction to manufacturing and health care.
Learn how the School is teaming up with Pavlis Honors College to create a STEM ecosystem—the full story, NSF Grant Expands Engineering Technology Opportunities for Academically Talented, Financially Disadvantaged Students is on Michigan Tech News.