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Energy Summit to Feature Home Energy Show, Business & Technology Energy Conference Friday, Sept. 28

HANCOCK–New Power Tour is hosting an Energy Summit Friday, Sept. 28, at the Finnish-American Heritage Center, including a Business & Technology Energy Conference and free Home Energy Show.

“These are two great events,” said Melissa Davis, executive director if New Power Tour. “The Energy Show is for one for everyone interested in saving money and energy. The Business & Technology Energy Conference is for business and community leaders—and anyone else interested in learning more about how renewable energy sources can strengthen the area’s economy.”

The Energy Show is set for 6:30-8:30 p.m. and includes vendors who supply solar power, spray foam insulation, rebate programs and more. There is no charge for admission, and everyone is invited to come and learn more about saving money and energy.

During the show, two Finnish experts will give free talks on biomass as a source of renewable energy. At 7 p.m., Jaarno Haapakoski will speak on biomass generators, followed by Markku Paananen at 7:30 p.m., who will give an overview of forest cooperatives in Finland. Childcare will be available during the show at a cost of $5 per child.

The Energy Summit’s Business & Technology Energy Conference is set for 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. and is geared toward businesses, developers and municipal officials interested in using biomass as part of their energy portfolio.

Guest speakers include
• State Representative Scott Dianda, who will discuss UP energy issues and his Energy Freedom Bill Package, a group of bills that would remove regulatory barriers to renewable energy.
• Jarno Haapakoski, CEO of Volter who will speak on using woody biomass for heating and power generation.
• Markku Paananen, of the University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Bioeconomy in Finland, who has 30 years’ experience in forestry and bioenergy-related development work and
• Angela Barbash, of Revalue, LLC, in Ypsilanti. Her talk is titled Introduction to Crowd Equity Financing.

Cost to attend the conference is $25 (Energy Show exhibitors receive a free registration) and includes lunch. To register or for more information, contact Davis at 906-281-5986 or melissa@newpowertour.com.

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